These are ideal for travel or storage, as they are extra long, and hold multiple garments.  Earlier this week, we got a really nice email from Ruth D. with the First Community Church in Columbus, OH who purchased our robe bag covers for the Chancel Choir as they toured Europe this summer. She was impressed by their capacity to hold multiple garments, and their durability.  And she has a few tips about using lightweight hangers too.  She writes:
“Hello Gary Manufacturing,
I haven’t forgotten you and intend to send some pictures of the red bags on tour!  I did not go on the trip but have pictures packing them, which I have attached. They aren’t very interesting but do show how the bags looked fully packed.  And you can see how the embroidery turned out.
Durable Robe Bag Covers for Choirs are Perfect for Tours
The robe bags worked well — had 62 robes plus the director’s robe, his stole, and I think he may have put his suit in there too!!!  I used all six robe bags, tagged them A,B,C,D,E,F and made large tags with their bag letter on one side and a list of whose robes ( and robe number) belonged inside.  Each bag had 10 or 11 robes inside.
They were quite heavy and our “bag captains” deserve accolades!  Five of the six bags were carried on both the regional Columbus-Newark and the overnight Newark-Berlin flights.  One gate agent wrapped bag C in plastic and shipped it through to Berlin.   When the group got to Berlin they were holding their breath that Bag C had made it OK.  (Frankly I was surprised the airlines let them carry them on at all.)
Durable Robe Bag Covers for Choirs are Perfect for Tours
I bought the flat flocked hangers after checking online for reviews to find the most durable ones.  (I used “Joy Mangano”  from Target.)
Our robes are 2-piece worn with a sleeveless black cassock underneath and a white surplice over it.  We pack them on the hanger in reverse, however, so that the cassock holds the surplice in place and keeps its wide yoke from slipping off the hanger.  You will see that in the “packing” picture.
Durable Robe Bag Covers for Choirs are Perfect for Tours
Only a few hangers broke and I had included two spares in each bag.  The robe bag covers took quite a beating being tossed under the bus, dragged through airports, etc.  But absolutely amazingly–they washed up sparkling clean — came out of the dryer looking like new! I figured I’d send them to the dry cleaner, but one of the bag captains decided to wash his in cold water, Tide, and stuff it in his dryer.  I was concerned when I heard, but totally surprised how it turned out, so I washed the others myself.  The webbing handles are just slightly pink (!), but the embroidery and zippers remain white.
Also the hangers which were flat and lightweight.  (St. Olaf told me they use wooden hangers — must make the bags even heavier !!)
I am hoping to get a few more pictures which show the choir in concert and the bags on tour so you can see what the robes actually look like.
The choir started in Berlin, then Dresden, Leipzig, Prague, and Salzburg.  11 days.  They returned from Munich.
Thank you so much for your help and the quick service.
We found a nice video of the choir singing just before they left to go on tour. Enjoy!